A little time since i posted a thing, huh?
Only posted,
Techno .:Break-In:. , Echoes of the night (Unfinished) and Fail guitar+synth experiment !?!
No fear,
I will be posting a little Synthetised Parisian themed song!
The full version of Echoes of the night (this time, you won't hear only the echoe)
The full version of Fail guitar+synth Experiment
And the (maybe) Final remix of Break-Up.
Which will be named as Technoforce: Break-On (wow i really love using word «Break» for the remixes)
And some more i might add!
Oh, and my «teacher» Gravey added a new one called:
Dancing Banjo Duet
You should check that one out!
In other news..
I finally completed Sonny 1 at the fullest!
The 2nd one has no extra-hard zone,
but i am pretty proud of myself.
The last boss who's the main character on another game i controled o_O.
It was by the same author.
Have a look !