
49 Audio Reviews

36 w/ Responses

Another one!

Haha you've always made a nice one!
Really like the 2:10 mark,
that part was moving alot, maybe too much for some other peoples.
But i was decieved that it had to end at the 3:00 part =P

Because it could make a good verse for the composition =D

The mixing just need a little resonance somehow to make it

But you do good as always!

From yo buddy



Nice punching bass.
It hits me right in the ears!

I liked the little High-pitched sound that gives this intonation:

*Caps for a intonation*
you might not get it, but anyway.

This tune was well made, the drum and sticks worked well in this tune
for an ambient-type.

Synths were perfect!
Glad i gave it a good score: +0,36
4.20 to 4.24 =D

Gorgorothx responds:

Thanks, Badspree... you're the shit!

This is my style haha =D

Your work did pay off,

Love how everything merged perfectly.
And who made that little voice?
Must be Fl's voice thingy.

I can say that this audio is awsome as heck!
Hope it gets more views.

5/5 and good work!

liqourish responds:

tyty, took long enough for a review loL


Loved how it sounded all the way from the beginning to the end!
You choosed the right sounds to make the best of the loop.

This should get more listeners =P

Good work, and even if its an alpha mix,
its still sounds awsome with my headphones in my ears =D

At least i didn't forgot about you =P

This is in fact a really nice ambient audio you've made!

The Piano and the other sounds were clearly going well along.
It deserves recognition, truly.

As i can,
i download it,
Favorite it and rated a nice 5 for you =D

I will come see more often to look for something new.

Blobmonster responds:

Thanks! I will Look forward to more of your games.

Very interesting!

Love the keyboard at the beginning,
smoothly enters other electronic sounds.

I think you've just made an ambient-Techno hybrid,
i might call it smooth techno somehow.
And depends of other if they agreed that its the mix of those too if
my classing was correct =P

Good work, a flash artist (hopefully a good one) might get to use that one in a movie.

That would be awsome!

Gorgorothx responds:

Hell yeah! Thanks, man


Smooth start, a bit «Space» but in a different meaning, and there comes the special beatbass. Gives suspenses according to the beat.
And some sweeps on the background adds more of that impression!

Then around the 1:40 mark it speeds a little bit but slows down right after.

Have a nice taste in it, i do agreed that it was also odd to describe but it is enjoyable!

Perfect for some flash movies, madness maybe?
Good work buddy!

Gorgorothx responds:

Thanks, man. I'm hoping a good flash artist comes around and wants to use it ;)

Got something new to listen! Thanks for pm

Its smooth at the beginning, with a nice trance keyboard play coming with it.

And yet, it also has a good kick and synth.
You must have selected some good ones =P.

Very well organised for the great final in the part with most diversed and Trance-like sounds making it catchy and enjoyable.
Everything just seems perfect for the title you gave it.

Because it has a little sound that make it distant,
echoe-ish i might say at the beginning.

Looks like you've put alot of work on this one!
Good job!

PeckaPrime responds:

Yeah i spent a lot of time running the synths through like half the library in nexus to find the right sound. :D And yeah i love delay, i used delay on almost everything lol. Dunno i guess i just love echoish melodies.

Thanks man, for the review, the score and the fave.
Im glad that you liked it, and that you got something new to listen :D, see you around


Misses just a liiiitle bit of atmosphere.

But its already great!
Intro was well done, it gaved a little impression.
Around 1:20, it was nicely made.

I dont really know what to improve for this one because i ain't an ambient expert =P.
But you'll find out!

Do what you think best and
Good work!


Easy to dream when you listen to this track...
And to sleep...(Its not boring for those who think i meant that)

Feeling relaxed now.
Awsome track!

Going to download this to have a good night sleep.

5/5 10/10 faved and downloaded!

Work-time pays off well!

Are you reading something?



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